Pro Health Alternatives
With over 30 years experience, Peggy Sullivan holds the following credentials:
Licensed Massage Therapist
LIcensed in Naturopathy
Reiki Master Level III
Sedona Method Coach
Certified Natural Health Professional
Bachelor's in Arts from Western Illinois University


​The following treatments are available:
*Swedish, Thai, Reflexology, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, and Raindrop Therapy
*The Magna Charge Pro, inversion chair, ionic foot bath, far-infrared sauna, chi machine,
full-spectrum energy lamp

*Holographic Re-patterning, BodyTalk, or NAET sessions
*Sedona Method coaching
Prices for massage and Magna Charge Pro are $60 for one hour and $75 for 90 minutes.
Please send a message for all other rates or if you'd like more information.